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Liquor Authorities Routinely Targeted Gay and Lesbian Bars. They would revoke their liquor licenses as they were considered disorderly as establishments.

Bars that regularly served "prostitutes or homosexuals" were, by definition, "disorderly." in the law. From California to New York, gay bars were regularly raided and closed.

In 1967, the New York Court of Appeals overturned the state law, ruling that allowing gay persons to congregate, dance and or kiss did not render a bar intrinsically "disorderly."

In the same year, however, the Florida courts upheld Miami's ordinance prohibiting liquor licensees to "knowingly sell to, serve to or allow consumption of alcoholic beverages by a homosexual person, lesbian or pervert - or to knowingly allow two or more persons who are homosexuals, lesbians or perverts to remain in his place of business."