CGRA Newsletter

March, 2012


Vice President Secretary Treasurer Rodeo Director IGRA Rodeo Scedule Public Relations Rodeo Events Membership Metro Outreach Royalty


(article added Mar 9, 2012)

Hey Cowboys and Cowgirls, Buckaroos and Buckarettes and yes even you Cowpokes,

I know somewhere there's a saying that goes like......"Better Late than Never". Okay so that's me this month. I missed my own required deadline for the newsletter. OMG forty lashes with a wet noodle. Hey, hey now keep it clean. I know some of your minds went straight to the gutter with that.

For those of you who don't already know, I'm gonna take a minute and give you my excuse. Yes, it is an excuse, but each of you are deserving of at least that. While riding Jr. Bulls in Phoenix on Sunday, or should I really be honest and say attempting to ride, my Bull got the best of me. It's the first time in 15 years of riding that I actually messed something up that won't heal on its own. You know the occasional broken or fractured rib, stepped on ankle all that petty stuff, well this time a bit more serious. I have a broken chip off of my shoulder, no biggie there, but I have also torn the tendons on my rotator cuff. Thought the damn thing was gonna heal on its own but they say NO.

Been trying to work through it for the past three weeks and if you know the game "Whack a Mole", thats the one where the little mole pops up out of one of the holes and you try to hit it on the head with that big mallet. Well thats what I have felt like for three weeks now. You see even though I spend everyday hauling this big ass explosive tank behind me, for some reason they won't let me take my percocet while driving. Go figure. So it's been off to work and then racing home poping pills to regain control of the pain and................ Well that's it. That's my lame ass excuse. I really didn't feel much like putting together a letter. Hell I've already been accused of not being in the right frame of mind when I've chatted with you all in the past. I can only imagine what I might have said this time around. Anyways, that's my story. I'm getting better and gonna be back riding in time for RMRR #30.

So speaking of that, RMRR #30, let's visit for just a minute. I've heard all the talk about this great milestone in Gay Rodeo. Thirty consecutive years. Longest consecutive running rodeo on the IGRA circuit............ Blah, Blah, Blah. Now it's your turn. I want your ideas. We have all the basics done. Host Hotels, Porta Potties, Stock Contractor even 11-12k pre-sold buckles and ads. You tell me........... What makes this any different than #29 or #18 or for that matter #31. I know that we, CGRA, are surrounded by a great group of individuals with great minds. People, or should I say an organization that has not been afraid to think outside the box. Tell me how we showcase this RMRR #30 to make it a HUGE success. What do we do to package this event. Not only so that we succeed this year but everyone leaves saying I'll be back next year cause you guys sure know how to put on a rodeo. There's your homework. I think about it all the time and need your help. Drop me a line, pick up the phone and let me hear from you. I can always be reached at or 303-304-7771.

A great place to bring your ideas would be at tomorrow's meetings. Yep thats right tomorrow the Board of Directors meets at 6:00pm followed by General Membership at 8:00pm, at Charlies Denver. You know we had 45% of in-state members at last months meeting, YEEHAW. Lets see if we can't top that. Don't forget that tomorrow nominations for RMRR #30 Grand Marshal will be closed and we will be voting on those nominated. So far we have nominations for Ty Teigen, Jerry Cunningham and Anthony Aragon and forgive me if I have missed anyone but nominations are still open. So if nothing else come vote on your Grand Marshal for RMRR #30. I really hope to see you all there.

Again my apologies for the tardiness in this letter but with all sincerity I really want your HELP in making this RMRR #30 a HUGE success.

Let's Ride
Robert D. Thurtell
CGRA President

Vice President

Hello from down south in the Springs!

I'm just sitting here watching the snow fall and thinking --- why in the heck did I drive into the office this morning! I could have stayed home like everybody else in my office! Oh well, I still love this time of year and hope for more snow falls before Spring comes.

There has been quite a lot going on these first two months of the new year, both with the royalty and with CGRA.

Congratulations to John Beck for his first fundraiser of the year! He ran a mock rodeo at Charlie's Denver, and it was so fun to watch and be a part of. Everyone had a great time and if I remember correctly (cuz I am getting older!!) he raised over $600 for the event!

After that, we all focused on getting ready for Valentine Extravaganza 2012. And what a crazy, busy time that was! There was a small set of people that worked on making this such a successful event, but it was worth all the time and the stress. We had a great event and everything went off without a hitch! It was fun watching President Thurtell bid on all the hot, young bachelors! And then of course, there was Jeff Curtis bidding $5 on everything that came up! Wow - what a big spender! A fun time was had by all!

If all goes according to plan, and everybody that wants to run for the 2013 Royalty Team does in fact run, we will have one of the largest contests that we've had in many, many years!! As of right now, I have seven people showing interest in running for the 2013 team. That is incredible!! And we may even have one candidate for MsTer CGRA, and we haven't had this team position filled since T.J. Blake in 2007 and then Rocket Coxx in 2008. It would be so amazing to have a large Royalty Team. So get ready to start seeing Royalty Contestants out and about raising money and showing up in the Community. How will you know who they are?? Watch out for those snazzy purple sashes made by Miss Eryn and embroidered by Mary Munger. Thank you both so much!!

By the time you all read this newsletter, another fundraiser will have come and gone! On February 25th at Charlie's Denver there will be a joint show hosted by our own Ms. CGRA 2012 Paula Scougal and two royalty contestant hopefuls - Miss Eryn and Mr. Karl Brown. It will be so nice to have royalty contestants sashed early in the year so that they can raise money for and awareness of CGRA throughout the community. And to have them wearing sashes at RMRR 30 would be an extra bonus!

I will be starting a "Royalty Boot Camp" for our new royalty team hopefuls this year. We will be covering topics that relate to what is expected for the contest (Horsemanship, Interview, Western Wear, Public Presentation, and Entertainment) and have CGRA members give training sessions on certain topics as well. I've already had one Board member who said she will give advice and present a video on Horsemanship. That's a great service!! So, look for future updates on what will be offered and when. And if you would be interested in helping out these new royalty contestants in any way please contact me!

Now, onto another topic -- RMRR 30! Please let me know if you are interested in being a Volunteer at RMRR 30 and I will add you to my list. Hope to have many of you volunteering or competing at RMRR 30!

And remember, Colorado Rides With Pride!

Rich Valdez
CGRA Vice President


CGRA Membership Meeting - January 6, 2012

Called to Order at: 8:35 pm
Motion to approve the minutes: Rich V., 2nd Pauline C., Carries

President: Robert Thurtell
Not in the best shape on numerous VE issues: auction items, bachelor count, baskets, etc.

Vice President: Rich Valdez
Recapped Night of Sharing and introduced the 2012 Royalty team: John B., Paula S., and Gia D.

Secretary: CD Slusser
No report

Treasurer: not present
No report

Trustee: John Beck
Asked about possible attendance for University in January, mentioned registration is still possible

Public Relations: not present,
No report

RMRR30 cards and posters will be printed for distribution at University and Phoenix Rodeo

Entertainment: not present
No report

Rodeo Events: Kim Fry
Gymkhana schedule is on the website with one per month from Feb thru October
Standing rule changes for gymkhanas are still in the works
CGRA's buckle series will begin with May gymkhana
Reminded membership of Jeffco Search & Rescue gymkhanas - Feb, March & April.

Membership: John Hill
"Greeters will instead be referred to as "Ambassadors"
John H. explained some duties relative to the ambassadors, personality types best suited, etc.
Proposed bylaws changes mentioned
120 active members with 18 out of state

Rodeo Director: not present
No report

Robert T. mentioned Scotty Shadix will be unable to serve as arena director for RMRR30

Royalty: Gia, Paula S. and John B.
John B. has fundraiser scheduled for 1/27 at Charlie's, 7-11pm. Mini Rodeo and beer bust
Paula S. will host an event in Feb and Gia will host in March.

Special Committees:
Lot of work still to be done for VE
Vince M - tickets sold out for National Western Night
Bruce Gros: Bylaws meeting on 1/25 at Bruce G's home, 7pm.
Reviewed initial submission of standing rule changes for Gymkhanas.
Motion to accept: Bruce G., 2nd Marie W., carries.

Old Business:
Steve is only nominee for Fundraising Chair - so far.

New Business:
Ronnie T. announced the Majestic Hearts 10th annual Onyx Ball Fundraiser for American Cancer Society, 1/28.
BOD presented Ty Teigen and Patrick Terry for lifetime membership status. Hand vote by GM carried.
Ballot vote - Steve Unfer new Fundraising Chair.
Ken P. announced Snow Queen has BOD approval to return- late March date tentative. Hosted by Betty Barrel Racer, proceeds to go to Scholarship Fund and CGRA.

Meeting adjourned @ 9:21 pm
CD Slusser


Balance Sheet        Profit/Loss    
Jan 31, 2012        Jan 31, 2012    
    Jan 31, 12 Jan 31, 11    Jan 12 Jan 11
  Checking/Savings      Fund raisers 345.00 847.92
  Checking 339.28 1,887.49  Interest income 0.01 0.04
  Jakino scholarship fund 6,246.32 0.00  Membership dues 460.00 280.00
  Rodeo reserve account 2,002.01 4,500.77  RMRR income 400.00 0.00
  Total Checking/Savings 8,587.61 6,388.26  Total Income 1,205.01 1,127.96
  Accounts receivable 358.00 900.00       
  Prepaid expenses 100.00 0.00  Expense    
  Reimbursable expenses 500.00 500.00  Advertising 45.00 0.00
    9,545.61 7,788.26  Bank service charges 10.00 0.00
         Christmas party/NWSS (308.00) (389.00)
         Credit card charges 72.07 66.76
Liabilities        Fund raiser expense 0.00 950.00
  Accounts payable 0.00 3,015.98  Gymkhana arena rental 400.00 1,550.00
  Contestant appreciation payable294.15 294.15  Gymkhana insurance 0.00 103.20
  Wayne Jakino scholarship fund 7,185.82 8,689.50  IGRA univ rooms 300.00 765.00
Total Liabilities   7,479.97 11,999.63  IGRA university 0.00 750.00
Equity        Insurance 0.00 206.39
  Retained Earnings 2,411.15 2,335.35  RMRR expense 1,031.45 3,222.93
  Net Income (345.51) (6,546.72)  Trustee travel 0.00 449.40
Total Equity   2,065.64 (4,211.37)  Total Expense 1,550.52 7,674.68
    9,545.61 7,788.26  Net Income (345.51) (6,546.72)

Here is the Valentine's Extravaganza summarized:

Income Portion 2012 2011 Variance
Total Live Auction $ 4,230.00 $ 5,210.00 $ (980.00)
Total Silent Auction 1,270.00 1,801.25 (531.25)
Total Balloon Grab/Cupid's Corner 375.00 300.00 75.00
Entertainer tips 60.00 - 60.00
Donations 85.00 100.00 (15.00)
50/50 Chance drawing (net) 80.00 243.00 (163.00)
Men of Charlie's Jell-O shots 133.00 252.00 (119.00)
Total $ 6,233.00 $ 7,906.25$ (1,673.25)
Expense Portion      
a. KOC -- Set rental $ - $ 250.00 $ (250.00)
b. KOC -- Silent auction/balloon grab - 75.00 (75.00)
c. KOC -- 20 white roses/20 red roses - 100.00 (100.00)
d. KOC -- Table decorations/misc deco - 50.00 (50.00)
e. KOC -- Printing/poster/post cards/forms - 75.00 (75.00)
f. Gayzette -- Advertising 1/2 page - 400.00 (400.00)
g. Gayzette -- Advertising - full page 600.00 600.00 -
h. OutFront -- Advertising 1/2;2 1/4 pgs 600.00 600.00
i. Credit card fees-estimated 250.00 259.27 (9.27)
j. Bullock -- arrangement styro balls 32.26   32.26
k. Auctioneer -- Alexander donated -    
l. Valdez -- valentine's/ribbon/env etc 68.00   68.00
m. KOC -- 25% of net profit (2011) 1,524.25   (1,524.25)
  $ 1,550.26 $3,333.52$(1,783.26)
Net Proceeds (Loss) $ 4,682.74 $ 4,572.73$ 110.01

C.G.R.A. Balance Sheet Jan 31, 2012

  Jan 31, 12 Jan 31, 11 $ Change
Current Assets      
Checking 339.28 1,887.49 (1,548.21)
Jakino scholarship fund 6,246.32 0.00 6,246.32
Rodeo reserve account 2,002.01 4,500.77 (2,498.76)
Total Checking/Savings 8,587.61 6,388.26 2,199.35
Accounts Receivable      
Accounts receivable 358.00 900.00 (542.00)
Total Accounts Receivable 358.00 900.00 (542.00)
Other Current Assets      
Prepaid expenses 100.00 0.00 100.00
Reimbursable expenses 500.00 500.00 0.00
Total Other Current Assets 600.00 500.00 100.00
Total Current Assets 9,545.61 7,788.26 1,757.35
TOTAL ASSETS 9,545.61 7,788.26 1,757.35
Current Liabilities      
Accounts Payable      
Accounts payable 0.00 3,015.98 (3,015.98)
Total Accounts Payable 0.00 3,015.98 (3,015.98)
Other Current Liabilities      
Contestant appreciation payable 294.15 294.15 0.00
Wayne Jakino scholarship fund 7,185.82 8,689.50 (1,503.68)
Total Other Current Liabilities 7,479.97 8,983.65 (1,503.68)
Total Current Liabilities 7,479.97 11,999.63 (4,519.66)
Total Liabilities 7,479.97 11,999.63 (4,519.66)
Retained Earnings 2,411.15 2,335.35 75.80
Net Income (345.51) (6,546.72) 6,201.21
Total Equity 2,065.64 (4,211.37) 6,277.01
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 9,545.61 7,788.26 1,757.35

C.G.R.A. Profit/Loss Jan 31, 2012

  Jan 12 Jan 11 Jan 12
Fund raisers 345.00 847.92 345.00
Interest income 0.01 0.04 0.01
Membership dues 460.00 280.00 460.00
RMRR income 400.00 0.00 400.00
Total Income 1,205.01 1,127.96 1,205.01
Advertising 45.00 0.00 45.00
Bank service charges 10.00 0.00 10.00
Christmas party/NWSS (308.00) (389.00) (308.00)
Credit card charges 72.07 66.76 72.07
Fund raiser expense 0.00 950.00 0.00
Gymkhana arena 400.00 1,550.00 400.00
Gymkhana insurance 0.00 103.20 0.00
IGRA univ rooms 300.00 765.00 300.00
IGRA university 0.00 750.00 0.00
Insurance 0.00 206.39 0.00
RMRR expense 1,031.45 3,222.93 1,031.45
Trustee travel 0.00 449.40 0.00
Total Expense 1,550.52 7,674.68 1,550.52

Public Relations

Howdy Members

Wow. Here we are in March already. Seems just like we were in the holidays. I am hoping the new year so far has been kind to all of you. It's hard to believe that July is fast approaching. YEA HAW, I am excited for RMRR 30.

Here is the upcoming IGRA events

March 17- 18
IGRA Exhibits @ NYC GBLT Expo
Jacob K. Javits Center
38th & 11th Avenues
New York City, NY 10014

Valentine's Extravaganza was a hit at Charlie's. A huge Thanks goes out the planning team for a great job, you guys worked hard and pulled together as a team. This year the event raised $4,682.74. Now as we look at March and green beer, please remember to be careful that weekend, enjoy and have fun.

Now is the time to start thinking about RMRR 30 and getting your calenders marked so you can attend and if you have extra time and want to be apart of the event please contact Rich Valdez @ email address removed. Safe travels to our rodeo contestants as they travel. Return home safe and sound.

Colorado Rides with Pride
Dan Rutledge
Public Relations Chair

Rodeo Director

Howdy Folks!!!

As your elected Rodeo Director, I wanted to update everyone on the progress of my job duties. I have obtained my goal of getting all the major contracts secured, and this goal was reached way ahead of schedule. All rodeo officials are confirmed, Host Hotel is contracted, Ambulance crew is contracted, Stock Contractor is secured, Rodeo Arena is contracted, and the list of items such as porta potties, trash dumpster, award buckles selected, etc. If anyone has any questions of items not listed, feel free to contact me, and I will be happy to answer any question you may have.

The Board of Directors approved the selection of 30th Anniversary Buckles that will be for sale, and those buckles have been ordered. As soon as I get a good picture of that buckle it will be posted on the web site for individuals to purchase through the on line store.

For the barn manager, I am looking for a nice camp trailer, RV, or living quarter trailer to use Wednesday through Sunday during RMRR 30. If anyone has one to donate for his use, please contact me. I would appreciate a donation, rather than CGRA having the expense of renting a unit.

I want to give a big 'Hat Off' Thank You to Frank Harrell, for posting all the information on the web site. He has worked very hard, and posts information immediately, keeping folks informed. I had a tremendous amount of things to get put on the site, and over loaded him (sorry Frank), and he pulled through in a very short time. So, thank you Frank, your work and diligent efforts are very much appreciated.

There are still things to do before rodeo, but we are getting a great rodeo put together. Thank you to everyone that helped with the 2002 Royalty Team fundraiser on February 10th, that was a successful night for CGRA.

Let's Rodeo!!!!!
Mary Munger
Rodeo Director RMRR 30

2012 IGRA Rodeo Schedule

Sunshine Stampede Fort Lauderdale April 20-22
Hot Rodeo Palm Springs May 4-6
Bighorn Rodeo Las Vegas May 11-13
Great Plains Rodeo Oklahoma City May 25-27
Sierra Stampede Sacramento CA June 8-10
Canadian Rockies Rodeo Calgary June 29-July 1
Rocky Mountain Rodeo Denver July 13-15
Great Lakes Rodeo Detroit MI July 27-29
Zia Regional Rodeo Santa Fe August 3-5
Windy City Rodeo Chicago August 24-26
Show-Me State Rodeo Kansas City MO Aug 31-Sept 2
Best Buck in the Bay San Francisco September 14-16
World Gay Rodeo Finals Fort Worth October 18-21
IGRA Annual Convention Las Vegas November 8-11

Rodeo Schools

Sunshine Stampede Fort Lauderdale April 20
GSGRA Rodeo School San Diego April 28
Bighorn Las Vegas May 11
IAGRA Rodeo School Des Moines May 19-20
ILGRA Boot Camp Midwest location unknown June 16-17
Canadian Rockies Calgary June 29
Rocky Mountain Denver July 13
Zia Regional Santa Fe August 3

IGRA Board Meetings

Oklahoma City May 25
Chicago August 24
Las Vegas November 8


Hey y'all. Not a lot of activity right now in Membership land, but that will change pretty quickly. There will be several changes to the structure of memberships and the Membership Chair duties coming up for a second reading at the March 9th Membership meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions about the proposed changes. There will be a vote on the by-laws on Friday the 9th, so please make sure that your dues are paid up and current so you can vote. The easiest way to renew is to check out, and it's a pretty painless process.

Once the bylaws are decided upon, I will start actively pulling together a group of CGRA Ambassadors (that name came out of the last meeting). These folks will be members of the Membership committee, but more importantly they will become the face of CGRA to hundreds of people who aren't members at events that CGRA sponsors and/or participates in. Please consider becoming an Ambassador and sharing your passion and enthusiasm for CGRA with those people who think we are just about beer busts or drag queens. If you are interested, please set aside March 17th at 11 am (before you start drinking that green beer) to meet up and plan how we can best represent CGRA. Location will be finalized in the next week.

One last a member of the Wayne Jakino Scholarship Fund, I'd like to encourage each of you to attend the Return of the Snow Queen contest on March 31st at Charlie's. Besides the legendary world-class talent on display for your entertainment, you will be supporting a worthwhile cause and helping deserving students continue their education. Rumor has it there will be some impressive items up for auction as well, but you won't know if you don't show.

John Hill
Membership Chair

Community Outreach

Howdy Members

Wow has this been a Month of things to do,

Right after the Meeting our 10yr Anniversary Mr. Ms and Miss David, Mary, Luscious had there show wow so much fun, if you missed the show you missed a good one.

Valentine Extravaganza - Wow it was so much fun I wanted to send out thanks for everyone for coming together as a team it was great to watch our family work together. Thank you very much...

I had the chance to go and meet the Mayor at the Bar Eden's it was so much fun. He was very supportive of our community. We did not know he had a brother that was family. He watched when his brother passed away and he realized that his brother's partner did not have rights, and he said he would fight for us to get them for us. He thanked everyone for coming and thanked CGRA for there support.

Ms Paula thanks. We had fun at your show, I hope you are feeling better. I wanted to congratulate Ms Erin, and Karl, in being contestants for CGRA 2013. So if you see them, congratulate them and give them all your support.

Well, letting you know the Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire will be celebrating 39 years. So now you will see ICRME members running for the position of Empress and Emperor so be on the look out for the candidate functions.

Voting day for the Imperial Court is March 31st the Place TBA.

Save the date, March 31st at Charlie's at 7pm. Snow Queen is coming back we will have wonderful items to auction off to raise money for Wayne Jakino Scholarship Fund and CGRA. Bring out your favorite snow flakes cuz you are in for a wonderful and Grand Function.

The next BOD meeting is March 9th at 6pm Membership Meeting is at 8pm. Come out and meet your next contestants for CGRA and find out what is going on in your community as well as CGRA.

If you have anything that you want the members to know or want to announce a function you can email me at

Always in service to the community
Pauline Chavez
Community Outreach

Rodeo Events / Gymkhana

Proposed CGRA Standing Rule Changes
  1. Gymkhana Guidelines
    1. Gymkhanas are held to:
      1. Provide competitive training for contestants in preparation for rodeo and/or related competitions.
      2. Provide a structured and safe environment for novice riders and horses to learn, practice and improve skills.
    2. Events:
      1. Standard
        1. Barrel Race
        2. Pole Bending
        3. Flag Race
      2. Jackpot
        1. Barrel Race
        2. Pole Bending
        3. Flag Race
      3. Novelty
        1. Keyhole
        2. Quad Stakes
        3. Figure 8 Barrels, Flying 'W', Ring Toss, Mailbox, etc.
    3. Entry Fees:
      1. $5.00 per horse/rider combination per run for Standard or Jackpot Event for CGRA Members.
      2. $7.00 per horse/rider combination per run for Standard or Jackpot Event for non-CGRA Members.
      3. $3.00 per horse/rider combination per run for Exhibition only.
      Exhibition runs will not count toward awards or points and must be designated at time of registration.
    4. Event Classifications:
      1. All event classes will be run with points tallied under each of the following classifications. Classifications shall be determined by both horse and rider, meeting said qualifications.
      2. If necessary a judge, the Rodeo Events Chair or a designee of the Rodeo Events Chair, and a panel of two competitors appointed by the judge shall resolve any disputes pertaining to a horse or rider combination and their stated qualifications.
        1. Novice - combines both Men and Women. Novice is someone who is new to a field or activity.
          1. Points will be scored and tracked for the rider on a given horse/rider team.
          2. A rider may have more than one scoring run per this class per gymkhana, but it shall be on different horses and the points from the different horse/rider combinations cannot be combined for year end award consideration.
          3. Defined as any horse or rider who has not competed previously in CGRA gymkhanas or who has competed but not placed in the top three of any Standard Event.
          4. Once a horse or rider has competed in the Novice Event and exceeds article 'c', above, they will no longer be eligible for the Novice Classification as of the next calendar year.
        2. Intermediate - combines both Men and Women Intermediate is someone who is at halfway point, center most of a field or activity.
          1. Points will be scored and tracked for the rider on a given horse/rider team.
          2. Defined as any horse or rider who does not fall into the Novice or Advanced Classifications.
        3. Advanced - combines both Men and Women. Advanced is someone who is ahead in position, time results and ability of a field or activity.
          1. Points will be scored and tracked for the rider on a given horse/rider team.
          2. Defined as any horse or rider who has competed and placed in the top three, during a previous year, of any Standard Event.
    5. Event Classes to be offered - both horse and rider must fall into the following qualifications to compete in Event Classes.
      1. Novice / Novice
      2. Novice / Intermediate / Advanced
        1. Novice / Intermediate
        2. Novice / Advanced
        3. Intermediate / Intermediate
        4. Intermediate / Advanced
      3. Advanced / Advanced

Kim Fry
Rodeo / Gymkhana Chair


Hello all.

By the time you read this, my first fundraiser as Ms. CGRA 2012 will have come and gone. For those of you that came out, I hope you all had a great time at the show. I want to thank all the performers that came out and showed your stuff. We can't do this without you all. I am so proud to belong to such a great group of people, and family.

I had the best time with the boys on our trip to Phoenix, Arizona. We shared a room and ate our meals together and got to know each other much better. We had great traveling weather the entire trip. We walked the horses every 5 hours, and it sure didn't hurt to stretch our legs too. When we pulled on to John's street you could feel the horses getting excited to be home.

Like Robert said, it's that time again, getting ready for the Texas rodeo and looking forward to seeing friends from all over this great Nation.

Until next time
Paula Scougal,
Ms.CGRA 2012

Howdy everyone.

Just wanna say hello to everyone. The Royalty Team travelled down to Phoenix for RRRR 27, it was a great time. The team drove down with Rocky and my friend, Scott Armstrong, it was an interesting but fun drive. We did get to meet other royalty teams and make some new bonds. This was also my first time to compete at another rodeo. Big thanks to my Mr. CGRA John Beck for letting me use his baby Buddy for his first rodeo and my first out of town rodeo.

Just want to say many thanks to our IGRA Royalty, all the other organizations for their support and encouragement. To my Mr. CGRA and Ms. CGRA, thank you so much for a wonderful and fun weekend, I love you both. To my great friend Scott Armstrong, thank you for our first road trip together, love ya. Thank you to the Board of Directors and our membership, because without you I would not have this chance to represent us.

Thank you all. Sit tall and ride strong.

Gia Diamante,
Miss CGRA 2012


Earn extra income and have fun!
Start a PartyLite business. No-cost Starter Kit with $350 Show.
Company-paid Host rewards. No inventory to carry.
Call or e-mail me for details.
Bruce Gros or 720-413-2250

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First posted Mar 7, 2012
Last update Jan-21-2020