Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association

Home NewslettersVolume XVII, Issue 3
March 2007
Last update Jan-21-2020
Advertise in Thirteen Spurs

From our Rodeo Director
Rodeo School Coming in May
Big Daddy Report
March Events
Ask Big Daddy
ASGRA History in Review Adventures at Heart Rock Ranch
Coosie's Corner Recipe of the month
Monthly Calendar What's happening

From our Rodeo Director

Hello everyone this is your Rodeo Director, Matt Komornik, speaking.

I am looking for able volunteers who would like to be a coordinator for Altlantic Stampede 2007. We have many positions open such as Security, Trash, Front Gate, etc. We are having our first Rodeo Roundtable Meeting Thursday March 8th at 7:30 pm at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. It will be located in the Grand Canyon Meeting Room. If you are interested please contact me at or just come to the meeting and we can discuss what positions are availble to partake in. The Meetings will occur every six weeks until the month of July when we are 2 months out from rodeo. Then they will occur twice a month. Thank you in advance for all who volunteer for these positions and hope to see you all on March 8th.


Rodeo School is Happening.
Rodeo school will be happening on May 12th and 13th, at the York Springs Equestrian Center in southern PA. It will be run by our stock contractor Carl Leach and will consist of the following events.

Calf ropping on foot,
Mounted breakaway roping,
Chute Dogging,
Steer Riding and
Bull Riding.

The cost is as follows.
$125 for both days Saturday and Sunday
$70 for one day only Saturday or Sunday.

Come on out and have a fun time with us and also learn. More details will be coming in next Months Newsletter including, food for the day, an after school bar night in Harrisburg and Hotel information if you want to stay overnight.

The Big Daddy Report:

Hi Ya'll Big Daddy here your Mr. ASGRA 2007. Here is an update on current Royalty events. We have been extremely busy representing ASGRA throughout the greater DC metropolitan area. We brought in Valentines day with a twist at The DC Eagle on Friday the 9th of Feb with our Rip-Off Friday, which I am happy to say raised 450 dollars for both Metro Teen Aids and SMYAL. This was a great fundraiser consisting of male and female cow folk and the chance to rip off their shirts for prizes. Jello shooters circled the club all night and silent auctions for gift baskets full of Lube and Alcohol were up for auction, in all it was a great night and wonderful to celebrate Valentines Day our own way. On Saturday the 24th The Academy of Washington held their annual Miss Gay Universe Ball at Almas Temple in downtown DC. I was there to help celebrate the new crowning of Miss Dixie Carter the Newly Crowned Miss Gaye Universe DC. Congrats to her and much luck for a successful year. That's it for February most of our work has been focused on this month.

March will be the busiest month for your Royalty. Almost every weekend has an event of some kind. On Friday the 9th we will be holding an underwear auction at RamRod previously Titan on 14th street and Rhode Island right above Dakota Cowgirl in DC. The Hot underwear has been donated by Andrew Christian. There will be dollar drafts all night at the beer bust bar in the back and of course jello shooters. This Underwear Auction is a Benefit for SMYAL and will be hosted by your Miss ASGRA JezzieBell Bottoms. Please come out and see the boys in briefs! On Sunday the 11th The Academy of Washington will hold a huge fundraiser for the Rainbow History Coalition. It's known as The Rainbow History Project and it's an important fundraiser that brings our community together for the preservation of our past. JezzieBell and I will be there and it would be great if we could have more ASGRA family there to support. The show starts at 3:00 and will be held at The Almas Temple in DC.

On Thursday the 15th JezzieBell will be holding another benefit for SMYAL at Remington's. There will be a great variety show and silent auctions all night. Please come out and support the kids. The show starts promptly at 10pm. On the 16th we will be at the DC Eagle again for another Rip-off night benefiting Metro Teen AIDS and promoting the NYC Gay Expo and on Saturday the 17th we will be at The Baltimore Eagle hosting a club night and also Promoting the NY Expo. On Sunday Big Daddy will be holding a Benefit for the Yes Institute at Freddie's Beach Bar and Restaurant in Crystal City. This will take place at 9:00pm. I can't think of a better way to celebrate St Patty's day then at Freddie's so come out and support! There will be raffles for numerous gifts donated by restaurants and gay businesses throughout the DC Metropolitan area and a Huge Variety Show at 9:00pm.

Of course the weekend of the 23rd 24th and 25th will be the NYC Gay Expo. This is a huge party with gay and lesbian organizations throughout the country all being thrown into NYC and sharing their gay love. I totally recommend going, it's a lot of fun. Our events start on Friday when we host an ASGRA Rip-Off Party at the NY Eagle. Then on Sat. And Sun we will be at our vendor booth giving bull riding lessons on our Big Bull Brutus. Doesn't that sound fun! Come on out and support us, especially all you NYC folk who are members. I'd love to meet you! To end our busy month of March we will be holding another ASGRA Rip-Off at the Baltimore Eagle on Friday the 30th. Once again this month will be very busy, JezzieBell and Myself will be working hard to raise money for our charities and representing you and this organization. We would love to see you so please come out and support. That's all for now, till next time keep 'chutin'! Big Daddy.

March Events

  • March 9 - Hot Cowboy Underwear Auction Ramrod (Washington, DC)
  • March 10 - 4pm ASGRA General Membership Meeting Ramrod (Washington, DC)
  • March 15 - JezzieBell Bottoms' Benefit Remington's (Washington, DC)
  • March 16 - Rip Off Friday DC Eagle
  • March 17 - Bar Night Baltimore Eagle
  • March 18 - Big Daddy's Benefit Freddie's (Arlington, VA)
  • March 23 - Rip Off Friday NYC Eagle (New York City)
  • March 30 - Rip Off Friday Baltimore Eagle (Baltimore, MD)

ASGRA Business Members

Easy Security Hint

When destroying a credit or bank card, cut the card both vertically and horizontally. Pick opposite corners and trash thoes. Hold on to the other two corners and trash them next week. This is an easy way to keep anyone from finding the entire card.

Ask Big Daddy:

Dear Big Daddy,
What is Chute Dogging? You don't actually fire at dogs do you?
Myles Christianson (Balt. MD)

No. Chute Dogging has nothing to do with Dogs whatsoever? It's solely between a cowboy/girl and their steer. Chute Dogging, also known as "Steer Wrestling", is one of our rodeo event where the contestants, both men and women, must wrestle a 400 to 500 pound steer to the ground in the least time possible (and I must add one of our rough stock events that gives the novice a chance to compete in our Rodeo). Here's how the event looks, The steer and the contestant both start in the bucking chute and face a 60-second time limit. When the chute gate opens, the contestant must bring the steer out to a 10-foot line in front of the chute, and then attempt to wrestle, or "dog" the steer to the ground. There's where that word dogging comes in. To "dog" a steer the contestant will turn the steer's head up and toward its shoulder, hoping the steer will fall over on its side with all four feet pointing in the same direction as the head is turned. However, if the steer falls the other way, it is termed a "dog fall" and the contestant can either attempt to turn the head the same direction or let the steer up and start over.

Once again steers can be from 400-500 pounds and sometimes a steer out-wrestles the dogger and slips away, or is so muscular that you could turn his head completely around once and he still would not fall over. Trust me it doesn't look pretty but somehow that steer pulls off the exorcist without any pain. So in a brief some up that's what Chute Dogging is. No puppies involved. Myles, now that you know about Chute Dogging I better see you enter our rodeo this summer.

Keep 'Chutin', Big Daddy (MR. ASGRA 2007)

To Ask Big Daddy questions about Rodeo or Royalty write to him at

ASGRA History In Review

From the April, 1995 newsletter

Heart Rock Ranch, "Hit the Trail"
By Rocky Kuhn, Mr. ASGRA 1995

As many of you have heard by now, I am leaving the D.C. area to pursue my long-held dream of owning and operating a ranch. After searching for two and a half years, looking at about 50 ranches/farms in seven states, and running innumerable operational options on a computer, I am purchasing 550 acres in two tracts in Northwest Missouri. The arrival date is April 1. (The significance of that date just occurred to me)

A former Ms. ASGRA - JoAnn - suggested that I write a monthly column for "Thirteen Spurs". The Board of Directors concurred so here is the kickoff piece. Through it I hope to give you a view of the trials, tribulations, and rewards of starting a ranch and bringing it to a successful operation. So watch this space for monthly updates.

Heart Rock Ranch is located on the backside of no where, as they say. The mailing address is Martinsville (population 44). Bethany (population 3,095) is about 12 miles away and Kansas City (population 448,028) is a very derivable 100 miles, thank God. The land is rolling, with plenty of trees, several ponds, and a couple of running (at least right now) streams. The headquarters rests a quarter mile off the pavement at the end of a gravel road.

My plan is to have a beef cow-calf operation of between 300 and 400 head eventually. It sounds a little ambitious, and a little daunting, but one has to have the numbers in order to have any money left over at the end of the year. The first task, however, is to seed the crop land to grass since I intend to have a true ranch with no crops, other than hay. Then the fences have to be fixed in order to contain the cows that I will purchase as soon as possible.

But what about the gay rodeo circuit? Let me assure you, I plan to participate as much as ever. Truth to tell, it was having a horse that helped push me to make the move. I detested not being able to walk out of my house every morning and give Dude a carrot or sugar cube or just a pat. I will still participate in Division IV rodeos and represent our association as Mr. ASGRA. As it turns out, the rodeo road trips for three of the divisional rodeos (Chicago, Minneapolis, and Detroit) are actually closer to Hart Rock Ranch than they are to D.C. Of course, I will do my utmost to be here for Atlantic Stampede '95. The Atlanta rodeo is the most iffy due to the distance, the closeness in time, and the amount of work involved in getting the ranch up and operating.

Several other rodeos (Kansas City, Wichita, Oklahoma City, Denver, and Colorado Springs) are easily reached from Missouri, so if all goes according to plan, I will get even more rodeos under my belt buckle than previously. I look forward to seeing you all at the rodeos since our paths may not cross otherwise. But let me plant a little seed. How about a big ASGRA get together immediatly before or after, say, the Kansas City rodeo? Bring your trucks, trailers, and tents. I'll organize a little real ranch experience for everyone.

Heart Rock Ranch currently has no riding arena. But the poles, barrels and flags just can't wait for a home. While it can't be the top priority, and arena will come soon and as the dream goes, there will be roping stock ready at a moment's notice. I would love to host any rodeo folks when you're in the area for a quick workout.

Speaking of Dude, he and I traveled out last week so his moving trauma is over. He is staying at a boarding place until I arrive permanently. For you horse people, let me caution you not to take your health certificates for granted. Because of the hassles of moving and the myriad details, I waited until the day before we were to leave to have the vet issue a certificate. As it turned out, Dude had some kind of skin problem and was loosing patches of hair. Since they wern't sure what it was, they would not issue a certificate until after they grew a culture. That postponed the trip for two days. It turns out the problem was nothing serious and is now clearing up with simple treatment.

Rocky Kuhn
Heart Rock Ranch, Route 1, Box 198, Martinsville, MO 64467.

Next month, First Impressions

Coosie's Corner

From ASGRA member Tom
Tater Tots / Green Bean Casserole


1 pound Ground Beef, cooked and drained
1 Small Package Cut Green Beans
1 can Mushroom Soup
1 Package Frozen Tater Tots

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Mix thawed green beans with mushroom soup (undiluted), and cooked beef.

Place in greased casserole dish.

Add Tater Tots on top, covering the top and aligning them, with no overlap.

Place in oven until Tater Tots are browned, approximately 20-25 minutes.

The April newsletter deadline is March 26. Send your articles to

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