A Message from the President
Guys and gals:
It seems that the weather has finally started to cooperate and I hope the sunny weather continues through Stampede 2003. I'd like to thank everyone who supported and represented ASGRA for Pride events in Washington, Baltimore, and New York. As always, our contingent was warmly received and the local crowds made us feel very welcome. It is truly important that the Association - through its active members - remain as visible as possible in our communities. Please remember to be an "ambassador" in your daily activities and encourage your friends and associates to consider active membership and service in ASGRA. If membership isn't in the immediate future, make certain they spend Stampede weekend with us! Membership information and materials are on the website, along with lots of information about Stampede 2003. Visit the web often to stay in touch with the Association!
The Association has been invited by the New York Eagle to bring Bam Bam (our Bull Master) to town. The event is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 16th. If you'd like to help out with this outreach to the Big Apple's leather community, please contact Mike Sanders, our Membership Chair, or me. We need at least 8 folks to make things work well, so if you've got the time and inclination, get in touch!
I'd again like to thank everyone for all the hard work that's needed to make our events take place. I know that from the outside they look effortless, but nothing could be further from the truth. We're always looking for folks willing to share time and talents. If you can spare some time for the Association, please let anyone on the Board know. Take a moment to volunteer!
The topic of volunteering brings me to my last item. The Association will be holding its Annual Elections in October. This year, the President and Treasurer's offices appear on the ballot. Please remember that the Association's continued growth and success depends on an active membership and a good leadership team. Why don't you think about throwing your hat in the ring? JR Key has consented to serve as this year's Election Committee Chairman. You'll be hearing from him in the not-too-distant future. For more information about elective office, contact JR. If elective office isn't quite your cup of tea, how about volunteering to serve as one of next year's Committee Chairs? Think about it!
Gaither Pennington, ASGRA President
"Life is like a ten-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use."
Charles M. Schultz
The Membership Corner
MEMBERSHIPS ARE UP FOR RENEWAL!!! Renewal forms and Weekend Pass order forms were mailed out the week of June 16th and were included in last month's newsletter. They are also available in the Membership section of the web page.
I am pleased to announce that we had a new business member join our ranks. Give a warm ASGRA welcome to Research Travel of Rockville, MD. They join Carol's Western Wear as a business member. I am also pleased to announce that Freddie's Beach Bar in Arlington, VA is joining our ranks of local businesses that provide special benefits to ASGRA members. Starting July 1, Freddie's is giving current card-carrying ASGRA members a 10% discount on all food tabs. Present your current membership card to your waitperson to receive your discount.
In response to several requests, an ASGRA email list has been set up. This list can be used to find rodeo partners, rides, roommates, etc. You can access the list thru Yahoo Groups at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ASGRA_Connections/. You will not be added to this list unless you subscribe to it, and you can set how you receive messages. Subscribing is easy and free.
Remember to keep me up to date on any changes in your personal information. This way, you will continue to be informed of meeting notices, special events, and receive your newsletter. And last, as your membership chair, I serve as your liaison to the board. If you have concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to bring them to my attention. I can be reached by email or by phone (see sidebar). Keep check on the web page for all announcements and updates on upcoming events.
Mike Sanders, Membership Chair
Money Matters
The first half of the year is now behind us, and the Association's expenditures have exceeded its income by $17,527. The loss is $770 higher than we had anticipated in the budget for this time period due to lower than budgeted income at Hoedown. While a seemingly large loss, this is typical for this point in the year.
The Association maintains adequate cash reserves in anticipation of the cyclical nature of its income. Nearly all of the Association's income is generate between July and September, with Atlantic Stampede being the largest profit center. Consequently, this loss should hopefully be reversed by the end of the next quarter as dues renewal, and income associated with the Atlantic Stampede are received.
Tickets for Atlantic Stampede are now available via the ASGRA website and at Lambda Rising Bookstores. Be sure to get your tickets early and bring some friends along too. Help support the Association and have a great time too!
Scott Smiley, Treasurer
News 'Round the Corral
Remember, ASGRA trail rides are the first Sunday of the month at 11:00am!
Weather permitting, we will be holding a trail ride at Piscataway Ranch in Clinton, MD at 11:00 am on the following days:
August 3rd: Hot fun in the summer woodlands!
September 7th: Rev up for the Rodeo with a trot along the trails!
For further information and to RSVP, contact Glenn at (703) 538-2225.
2003 IGRA Rodeos
Zia Regional Rodeo 2003 NMGRA Albuquerque, NM August 8-10, 2003
Windy City Rodeo ILGRA Chicago, IL August 22-24, 2003
Show Me State Rodeo MGRA Kansas City, MO August 29-31, 2003
Atlantic Stampede 2003 ASGRA Washington, DC September 5-7, 2003
Capital City Rodeo TGRA Austin, TX September 5-7, 2003
San Diego Rodeo GSGRA San Diego, CA September 26-28, 2003
Rodeo Director's Corner
Well, the time is fast approaching for Atlantic Stampede 2003. There are many people already working hard to ensure we have a fun time in September and I just want to take this chance to say THANK YOU for all your work so far to make our Atlantic Stampede 2003 a successful one! Rodeo Roundup Team, don't forget about the next rodeo meeting at the Hyatt hotel on Monday August 4th.
But this does not mean we are through! We still need many volunteers to ensure an excellent rodeo! If you have helped before and have not been contacted, don't think you are not needed. Please check with our volunteer coordinator (volunteers@asgra.org) or people you have worked with before to see where you can help. Just remember, by volunteering some hours, you can get the weekend free. It takes a lot of great folks to put on Atlantic Stampede… Let's Rodeo!
And don't forget, if you still need some practice before the Rodeo in September, we are having a Rodeo School August 9-10. To check out the details go online to www.asgra.org and click on the August Rodeo Training School link. This will provide you with more information about the school including driving directions, accommodation options, and a link to registration.
Billy Collison, Rodeo Director 2003
ASGRA Calendar of Events
August 2003
3, 11:00am Trail Ride at Piscataway stables, Clinton, MD
4, 7:30pm Atlantic Stampede 2003 Planning Meeting; Hyatt Regency Hotel
13, 8:00pm BHT Meeting; DC Eagle; Washington, DC
14, 7:30pm ASGRA Board Meeting; Hyatt Regency Hotel
20, 8:00pm CAB Meeting; DC Eagle; Washington, DC
19, Membership meeting (time and place TBA)
Thank You
ASGRA recently received a very gracious note from Engine 28, Ladder 11 of the FDNY thanking us for the donations raised at benefits organized by ASGRA member Mary Lynne Logsdon earlier this year. Several current and former ASGRA and IGRA Royalty performed and assisted with auctions and other benefit activities. The thank you note reads:
"The Officers and Members of Engine 28, Ladder 11 wish to extend their deepest and heartfelt thanks for your kindness and generosity in this time of need. God Bless You. God Bless America"
ASGRA Royalty
Past and Present are featured every Sunday night at Freddie's Follies, an evening of live and drag performances at Freddie's Beach Bar in Arlington. Hosted by former Miss ASGRAs Blair Michaels and Jymmye Jaymes, the show begins at 9pm. Come out and spend a hot and hazy summer evening with the ASGRA herd!
The Ultimate Volunteer Opportunity - Serve on the ASGRA Board of Directors
It's that time of year again -- not only for our annual rodeo weekend, but also time to elect new officers for the Board of Directors. Elections will be held Sunday, October 19, 2003. The bylaws changes passed by the membership earlier this year have slightly modified the elections process. Committee chairs will no longer be elected by the membership, but instead will be appointed by the President. Therefore, only the Executive board members (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and the Trustee will be elected officers. As these positions are staggered, the membership will need to elect only two or three officers for the Board of Directors each year.
This year, the positions of President and Treasurer are due for re-election as the terms for Gaither Pennington and Scott Smiley, our President and Treasurer respectively, come to a close. ASGRA is currently seeking interested candidates for these critical positions for the leadership of our Association. The terms of President and Treasurer are for two years.
Following is a brief summary of the criteria for any member who is interested in running for office, and a description of the duties of the President and Treasurer. Complete information about ASGRA elected officers and the duties of each officer can be found on the ASGRA website at: http://www.asgra.org/membership/by-laws.htm
Qualifications for Officers:
All active members in good standing and who have completed a minimum of six (6) months of continuous membership are eligible to run for office. Nominations for officers can be made by any member; a member may nominate her or himself. Members nominated for office must submit a brief written biography listing their qualifications for the office. No member may hold more than one elected office simultaneously nor be appointed to a new office while currently holding an office (elected or appointed).
Duties Of Officers
The President of the ASGRA Board of Directors is the principal executive officer of the Corporation, and as such has responsibilities to:
- preside over meetings of the Executive Board, Board of Directors, and General Membership meetings,
- participate in planning the annual operating budget of the Corporation,
- appoint a team of Committee Chairpersons for all committees of the Board to assist with operations of the Association, and
- serve as lead delegate to the IGRA annual convention.
The Treasurer of ASGRA is responsible for all funds of the Association, including groups or functions sponsored by or using the ASGRA name. As such the Treasurer's general responsibilities are to:
- receive and give receipts for all funds
- prepare the annual budget of the Corporation and ensure that expenditures annual expenditures are consistent with the approved annual budget
- prepare and submit a monthly report on income and expenses to the Board and an prepare an annual financial report for distribution to the general membership
- ensure that all federal, state and local tax returns are filed for the Association
We Need Your Vote
While we're on the topic of elections, I'd like to take this opportunity to urge every ASGRA member to mark your calendars for the date of Sunday, October 19, 2003 and plan to attend the annual elections meeting. All ASGRA members - who have been members for at least thirty days prior to that date - are entitled to a vote. If you aren't certain that you can be present for elections, please take advantage of the mail-in ballots or online ballots (new this year) and cast your vote. We need every vote to meet the quorum for elections.
Election Committee Volunteers Needed
We need three to five ASGRA members to volunteer to serve on the Election Committee. These individuals will help prepare the elections mailing to the membership and will attend the annual elections meeting to assist in tallying ballots and verifying the election results.
Anyone interested in serving for either office or in volunteering to serve on the Election Committee should contact J.R. Key, the ASGRA Elections Committee Chair, at elections@asgra.org.
Social & Entertainment Volunteers Needed for Atlantic Stampede 2003
Atlantic Stampede rodeo weekend is fast approaching, and planning for the weekend's social and entertainment events is kicking into high gear. ASGRA is known for being one of the biggest and the best entertainment weekends on the IGRA rodeo circuit, and we're looking to maintain that reputation this year with three nights and two days of fun and exciting events. To make this happen, we need help. Please take a look at the list of volunteer positions available and contact J.R. Key, Social & Entertainment Chair (social@asgra.org) if you are interested in volunteering to assist.
To entice you further, remember that any volunteer who commits to a grand total of at least eight hours over the three-day weekend receives a free weekend pass. Our goal is to have enough volunteers to allow folks to work in shifts and have time to enjoy the events as well. Following are descriptions of the volunteer positions available:
Assistant Entertainment Coordinators (now through Monday, Sept 8) (2-4 positions)
We need assistant coordinators for both the host hotel and rodeo ground sites. Prior to the weekend, these folks will help with planning and coordination. During the weekend, they help ensure that events run smoothly, make sure entertainers get to the stage on time, help with setup prior to events and at the close of events each evening and coordinate other volunteers.
Entertainment Registration volunteers: (2 positions)
These folks will staff the entertainment registration table, checking in entertainers, distributing badges and information, etc. from 6pm - 9pm on Friday.
Hospitality volunteers (8 positions per evening)
Hospitality volunteers sell event tickets and weekend passes at the door, provide information and host the hospitality desk prior to all three evening events. These folks also take tickets at the door and help with security by monitoring the elevators and stairs to ensure everyone who enters has a ticket.
Green Room monitors (2-6 positions)
These volunteers will monitor the entertainers' Green Room for each evening event at the hotel to ensure that things are running smoothly, provide security, help entertainers get assistance if problems arise, etc.
Dance Competition volunteers:
2 runners
2 auditors
1 Stage Manager
3 - 5 Dance Competition Judges (application available at asgra.org dance page)
Rodeo Grounds Dance Tent Setup, Sat. 9AM - 1 PM (2-4 positions)
These folks assist with decorating the dance tent, setting up tables/chairs, etc
Rodeo Grounds Clean Up, Sun. 6PM - 7PM: (2-4 positions)
These folks help with breaking down and stacking tables and chairs, taking down decorations, etc.
Concert: volunteers, Sun 7PM - 12PM (2 -4 positions)
These volunteers will assist with preparations before and clean up after the concert/dance
ASGRA Goes to Omaha!!
Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls! Well, summer is not only the season of heat and humidity (a good thing if you're wanting to look at all those shirtless guys and sports bra gals), but it is also the season of rodeo. After heading out to Omaha for the "Little Rodeo with the Big Heart", let me tell you folks, those HGRA people sure prove that to be true!
The weekend kicked off with the famous HGRA Twisted Poker Crawl. For those who may not know, this is a concept conceived and run by Heartland Babe, Tamara Marks, aka the red head of the rodeo circuit. The event consists of going from bar to bar, getting a poker card for the first drink that you buy in the bar and a second one by performing some sort of activity at the discretion of the bar crawl host. Best hand at the end of the evening wins. Boy, I thought that doing the three-legged barrel race at IDGRA's Play day was hard. Try doing that with four legs, two people, tied to one central person. In, out, in, out takes on a whole new meaning in this event.
There were two especially notable activities for the evening, starting with the Wild Drag event, where teams of three would compete against each other to dress up one team member in full drag finery - wig, dress and makeup. How do you confuse a gay man who's not a drag queen? Hand him blush and a bra. Tamara Twister was the other event that put the "twisted" in this Twisted Poker Crawl. In this event, a giant blue tarp was rolled out with twister spots on it. Participants were joined in teams of two to compete together, with whoever was still left standing at the end being the winner and receiving an extra prize. As this was the final event of the evening, some of the participants in the poker crawl chose to sit it out. They had a hard enough time just standing up without even trying to put "left foot on red". I am proud to say that my teammate and I were one of the two teams left standing, so we did get a consolation prize. The overall winner of the poker crawl, Cowboy Rod, walked away with the $117 in winnings.
The weather for the rodeo was bright, clear and warm, providing a great atmosphere for both rodeo competitors and spectators. Vendors abounded this year including two previous ASGRA members, Mark and John who are now living in Detroit and Board Members of MIGRA. The MIGRA folks are working to get their rodeo back on the schedule in time for the 2004 season. Part of this effort includes an oriental rug raffle fundraiser. Check out MIGRA's website or contact Lonni La Bel for details.
Patrick Hunter, Roving Cowboy Reporter
Heard 'Round the Herd…
Congrats to Don Horn who accomplished a personal rodeo goal of 12 years by winning his first goat dressing buckle at Calgary's rodeo this year!! He reports that ASGRA trustee and founding member Mike Lentz was a judge, while members Rick & Jeff from PA attended as spectators. For once it didn't rain except for a brief shower very early Saturday morning - a nice dry rodeo for Calgary's 10th anniversary!
And a warm welcome to new member Tina R. who took the time to send this note:
"I was greeted so warmly and enjoyed the Tea Dance at Rehoboth Beach so much that I walked through the door, fired up the computer and joined ASGRA that evening... looking forward to the D.C. rodeo!"
Tina is a long-time horsewoman who is looking to get back in the saddle again! If any horsefolk would like to help her out with suggestions on locations to do some training, loaner horses or just to say hello, contact Lonni La Bel.
Bob Johnson of the publication The New York Resident (www.newyorkresident.com) had a very positive article regarding the GLBT Expo at the Javits Center in his people, places & things column from the week of March 31, 2003. He specifically noted the ASGRA/IGRA booth: "One of the more interesting exhibit booths was the one manned by the Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association (ASGRA), which offered up mechanical bull rides to attendees wishing to become urban cowboys. Also at the booth were Mr. and Miss ASGRA 2003 (John Alvey and Courtney Lovelace), who graciously took the time to give a brief mechanical bull-riding demonstration." There was even a great photo of our royalty duo riding tandem on our own beloved Bam Bam!!
September 2003 issue:
Submissions due: 8/18/03