Equality Virginia (EV) is Virginia's only statewide advocacy group for the Commonwealth's gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and HIV+ citizens. EV lobbies elected officials, organizes communities, and educates the public in order to achieve equal rights for all Virginians, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV status.
Founded in 1989, EV has members across the Commonwealth, and its board of directors is a diverse group of men and women who represent all regions of the state. EV's board, staff, and team of volunteers work closely with elected officials and community groups to advance GLBT rights and to defeat anti-gay initiatives.
The past year has been one of exceptional growth for Equality Virginia. The recent passage of the so-called "Marriage Affirmation Act," which voids and prohibits certain contracts between same-sex partners, has galvanized our community like never before. We urge ALL gay and lesbian Virginians to defend themselves against such meanspirited attacks on their livelihood by joining Equality Virginia today. For more information and to join, go to EqualityVirginia.org or call 804.643.4816.
Equality Maryland (formerly Free State justice) is Maryland's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, with thousands of members across the entire state. Our mission is to make life better for LGBT Marylanders.
As a non-partisan organization, Equality Maryland believes that equal protection under the law for LGBT Marylanders and families headed by same-sex couples is not and should not be a partisan issue. While few of us under the LGBT umbrella are singleissue voters, most of us do attach significant weight to the rhetoric and votes that surround the question of our civil rights. Therefore, it is vital to reach out to all fairminded elected officials to seek understanding and advocacy on behalf of our civil rights.
Equality Maryland works to secure and protect the rights of LGBT Marylanders by promoting legislative initiatives on the state, county and municipal levels. Our professional lobbyists and legislative team work with our allies in the General Assembly to shape and pass positive legislation in Annapolis and to beat back discriminatory legislation. For more info rmation and to join, visit EqualityMaryland.org or call 410.685.6567.